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Showing posts from November 30, 2014

want a clean face? try this

The Aspirin Mask - works wonders on your face. Salicylic acid helps clean out pores and battle acne. All you need is water & 3 aspirin tablets. You can also add honey if you want a binding agent Apply mask leave for 25 mins..wash of with warm water... A great way to moisturize & clean out those pores & keep ur pretty face glowing Avocado:Filled with vitamins & moisturizing.Vitamin E, healthy fats n antioxidants can help keep ur skin smooth. Lemon: Astringent & clarifying.Contains citric acid which might help to brighten D skin. Honey: Moisturizing & can also help brighten the skin. Honey has natural antibacterial & antimicrobial properties Has anyone tried this?**wide grin**.amazing!!

What you should know about your toothbrush

Your toothbrush. It's a trusted tool that helps you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. But did you know that your toothbrush harbors bacteria if it is not cleaned on a regular basis? Indeed, hundreds of millions of microorganisms can get trapped in the bristles of your brush, including the ones that cause colds, viruses, and infections. Some of the bacteria that can be found on your toothbrush include: Mutans streptococcus:  Bacterium that causes tooth enamel erosion, tooth decay, and dental caries E. Coli:  Bacterium that causes diarrhea Beta-hemolytic streptococcus:  Bacterium that causes strep throat Coliform:  Bacteria that are found in aquatic environments, soil, vegetation, and feces Staphylococci ("Staph"):  Bacterium that causes skin infections Porphy-romonas gingivalis:  Bacterium that causes gum disease Candida albicans:  Fungus that causes thrush in babies Herpes simplex:  Virus that causes cold sores Hepatitis A, B, ...

welcome to the month of december

Hello December, Hope you are loaded with a lot of goodies for that special person that will stumble upon this post. Oh Lord please  bless my amiable blog readers in this month of december. Grant them their heart desires.Amen Ps: You may not achieved all you ever wanted in 2014 ...but keep calm,God is still in the business of doing miracles.You're alive and to me it's the greatest gift. Have faith,everything will be fine. Did I forget to say you're special and I love u? Now you know...*winks* Have a fabulous december!