At one point or another, we have all had times we let our emotions loose and get the better of us...Personally,i have dealt with and still dealing with anger issues...So after reading this article from,I considered it wise to share it here on the blog to help people like me out there...I hope you take your time although it's lenghty(apologies pleasee) and read 'cos you are gonna learn a thing or two from it. If you have an anger problem it can have a negative impact on all your social relationships. Your partner, friends, kids, co-workers, and bosses may all come to think you're a temperamental jerk. Your outbursts may lead you into trouble with your loved ones, your social circle, your job, or even the law. Anger management issues are common. Along with sadness and anxiety, anger is one of the core human emotions that can lead to problems if it gets out of hand. Fortunately, over the years mental health professionals have developed a vari...
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