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7 Signs To Know If Your Partner Truly Loves You.

One question that often rings in your head is "Does she/he truly love me?" Most times, you just can't find an answer to that question and even when you speak to friends about it, they don't come up with something concrete. Here, I've put together, 7 signs that can help you know if your partner truly loves you.
I call them "hard-to-miss" signs because someone who really loves you does them without even knowing - love compels them. Read below..

1. Wants To Spend Time With You:
When someone truly loves you, s/he will do everything they can to spend time with you irrespective of their schedule. Both of you might be occupied due to family, work, or other relevant commitments but someone who truly cares about you will always squeeze out time because they simply can't do without you.

2. 'We' Automatically Replaces 'I':
Someone who loves you includes you in everything s/he does. He plans for both of you which makes them fond of using the word "we" instead of "i". Another word they'll start using is "us". It simply means your lover sees you as part of his/her life.

3. Fighting And Apologizing:
The truth is, you can never know how strong a relationship is until you both have a good fight. Someone who loves you isn't afraid to fight and s/he says "sorry" whenever she/he wrongs you - putting pride aside. No matter who your partner might be outside, no matter his/her status at work, they set pride aside when they're with you.

4. Respects Your Views:
Whenever you speak to your partner, she/he will listen. Someone who loves you will always listen to you no matter how senseless what you're saying might be. She/he listens calmly and corrects you boldly when she/he feels you're wrong.

5. Asks About Your Day:
This is a very obvious way of knowing if your partner truly cares about you. When you guys are together, does your partner ask how you spent your day? Does s/he tries to find out what happened at work? Even if you're not together, such interests keeps communication routes open.

6. Showing Affection:
You don't necessarily need to engage in frequent s*x to be emotionally intimate. However, showing some sign of physical attraction and closeness bonds the both of you. Example, resting your head on her shoulder, frequent hugging or holding hands while walking suggests that your partner feels some vital connection in you.

7. Admires You:
Someone who loves you is quick to admire you. They don't hesitate telling you how good you look and they always thank God for blessing them with you. Someone who hardly notices your new hair-do or shirt cares less about you.

Now that you've finished reading this, share it to enlighten your friends too. They will thank you for doing so

Source: Divine Chiemeka(facebook)


Unknown said…
Nice clues...really helpfull!
Chy 🌹 said…
@Butter Scotch...tnks dearie
Chy 🌹 said…
@Eazydon,tnx dearie for the compliment and for visiting.

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