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A must read!!..10 helpful Eating Habits

As the new year gets underway, make sure you don't slip back into the same bad food habits
10 good food habits
As life gets back into full swing after the holiday period it can be easy to slip back into old patterns. The start of a new year is a perfect time to identify key dietary behaviours that may be preventing you from reaching your goal weight. Get these habits right, and you will be well on your way to maintaining a healthy body weight.

Always eat breakfast

Studies show that individuals who eat a substantial breakfast lose more weight than those who have a small breakfast. Choose eggs or baked beans on wholegrain bread, or muesli with fruit and yoghurt.

Eat your fruit and veg

Aim for three cups of vegetables and two fruits each day. Fill half your plate with vegies at lunch and dinner, and add fruit to your breakfast and for a snack on the way home from work.

Take time to shop each week

If the food is not in the house, how can you eat well? Schedule in time to shop each week or shop online.

Walk for 10,000 steps or exercise for an hour each day

A pedometer is extremely useful in providing feedback on how many steps you are racking up each and every day.

Sit down at the table to eat

Not only do you eat more slowly and often less food, but you'll enjoy the social experience of dining.

Always carry a protein-rich snack with you

This way you'll avoid eating high-fat food on the run. Great options to keep handy include nut- or protein-based snack bars, hard fruit such as an apple or a few wholegrain rice.

Have a green tea after meals

Green tea is high in antioxidants and can help increase metabolic rate.

Always carry a water bottle

Drink at least two bottles of water a day instead of juice, cordial or soft drinks.

Choose wholegrain, low-GI bread and breakfast cereal

Aim for the best-quality breads, crackers and breakfast cereals, as these are foods we eat every day.

Always eat carbohydrates and proteins together

Try eggs on grain toast, yogurt and fruit, crackers and cheese and wholegrain bread with tuna or chicken


Leeznijis said…
Tank for d tips.
Unknown said…
Great. Advice,

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