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#Childhood Gists----- Guava fruits, my addiction.

Sometime back,i sat with a friend reminiscing childhood days.We gisted a whole lot about what we did and what we didn't do...She told me about a particular orange tree they always stalked around their neighbourhood. The owner according to her was an old lanky man with seven kids and a wife who although was younger than the man in age but appeared older because according to my friend,she often frowned,fought and looked for trouble...Hehehehehe
She also gisted me on how she went with  two of her elder brothers to pluck "illegal ripe orange" from Mr Nnadi's compound and the man chased her alongside her brothers with a big cutlass...lmao‎
For me,growing up was fun and beautiful...My own "addiction " was Guava fruits. I was lucky to live in a compound although as tenants with my mum,dad and siblings in a Guava tree infested environment.Unripe Gauva was my favourite as a kid...I wonder why I didn't have ulcer or appendicitis (God forbid). 
I chewed the Guava peels and swallowed the seeds..imagine that???

Choi,trust my mum. She would yell and yell at me, telling me about the dangers. She warned vehemently but it seemed I had a strong affiliation for seeds "cos I swallowed udara seeds as well...My neighbourhood friends would tease me and scare me that Udara tree will grow in my tummy...hahahahahha

I would climb any Guava tree that had visible ripe fruits,not minding the sharp thorny branches or the soft branches I might step on that will suddenly yank off and land me to the hard sand(hahahaha)..It was a big risk I took.
Then i'd monkey jump" from one branch to another pulling down any available Guava fruit,d ripe and unripe ones inclusive...Most times I go with a partner who'd be down the tree signalling and pointing to any direction where there are ripe ones dangling...Most times i'll shake the tree branches forcefully and watch the Guava fruits take a dive to the ground..hehehehehe

This is almost 2 scores plus(wont tell you my age* tongue out) in years and I remember all that with nostalgic feelings...
I have a lot of childhood stories to share...Maybe I should make it a Sunday post...Whatcha say my readers???

Do have a fabulous new week!!!
I pray u win in all u do
I feel like plucking those twin guava fruits....choi
Very appetising


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