Losing tummy fat...
Yes food can get you rid of belly fat, if you are eating the right food though. Here’s how you can develop good food habit and lose your belly fat.
- Choose snacks intelligently- What you call light snacks do more harm. Burgers, pizzas, French fries and all that junk food is not good for your body. Eat less of them as also sodas and processed foods. Foods indicating low calorie, low fat or sugar free too can contribute to belly fat. Artificial sweeteners in these foods may induce your body to store fat. Avoid them and opt for healthy snacks like fruits, nuts etc.
- Reduce sugar in your diet- Sugar is one of the main causes of fat. Instead of sugar, have complex carbohydrates. Your body converts complex carbohydrates into sugar and they are beneficial for you.
- Have more good food- eat more of protein, vegetables, fresh raw fruits, whole grains and nuts. Remember canned fruits and veggies can further increase your belly fat so avoid them.
- Have more of good fat- Omega 3 fats help lose belly fat. So have more of foods having this good fat such as salmon. Low glycemic-index foods such as beans too are beneficial when it comes to losing belly fat.
- Consume more vitamin C- It must come from natural sources like lemon, orange, kiwi fruit etc.
- Don’t skip meals- When you starve your body, it gets into survival mode and starts storing foods in the form of fat. So, have your breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Keep your meals small and snack on healthy foods in between these main meals.